Sunday, January 24, 2010

Now you are cooking with gas!

It’s Sunday and a day of relaxation…Of course after I wash my clothes by hand and then wait until 4 for the water pumps to open to go get water. But today has been a good day. I got to sleep in, made me some eggs and fried plantanos for breakfast. Am suppose to go watch Arsenal play today at one…we will see if the guy shows up to take me there.

On Friday I spent the night with mostly UN people. I had dinner with some guys from Bangladesh, it was SOOO good! I get to have my own little international restaurants here in Liberia…Next Friday the Fijians promised to make me some Fijian dinner…I love being new to a place and having a vagina…cause it gets you a lot of places. Apparently one of the Bangladesh guys likes me, according to my roommate, but I’m not too sure about it all. Also something weird happened, on the plane ride from Belgium to Liberia, I was sitting next to this American girl who worked up north in Liberia for a NGO, we talked a fair amount but never exchanged numbers, thinking we would never run into each other again...but low and behold, who lives in the same town I do..She's strange how the world works.

The other day one of the younger teachers at my school asked me if I wanted to get married some day. I said no, and he asked why…I said because when you get married, you make your decisions together and I liked making mine alone. I don’t think he understood me really until later. When he was looking at all my pictures and travels I have done…and then he told me, I understand why you don’t want to get married now. Marriage is for two people, I like to think and do things for myself and not have to worry about someone else….I like things to be simple…

As for my classes, I will be teaching Geometry and Chemistry to all of the 11th grade classes…Before I left for Liberia, I took a practice GRE examine and got a 60% on the Geometry part, so lucky for me this will be a GREAT review!

Here are some saying they have here in Liberia…I find them to be very funny
1: The eye can’t lift the load, but can determine if the load can be lifted.
2: If you don’t open your mouth, nothing can get inside.
3: Now you are cooking with gas.

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