Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years...

The new year came and went. There was a lot of puking that night and the next morning as me and my sister traveled to Oklahoma. Apparently with the new year the boy decided to pop back up and I was drunk enough to say that I missed him. Who knows what going to happen with him, I leave for Africa in ONE week and I would put money on it that we won't be talking two weeks into me being there...But I'm a sucka for...we all know what I like and I'm leaving for Africa where I probably won't be getting the "same" opportunities as I have here. So leave me alone...if he wants to see me before I leave...I can't really say no, I'm weak!!!

With ONE week left I really haven't done anything to get myself ready. Though I did buy some spices, a pan, pencils and crayons. But packing won't take place until Friday, the night before I leave I feel I do my best packing under pressure....

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