Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friendly, Just not social...

So I have learned that Liberians are very friendly...just not social. If it wasn't for all the UN friends I have made here I wouldn't have a social life to talk about. I don't know if it is because of the war or what but not a single Liberian has invited me and my roommate over for dinner, or tea or even just for some chatting. They are all nice and helpful on the streets with directions or going to the market but just not sociable. If I have been invited out, it was by a Liberian man with love intentions on his mind.

Thank God for the UN...and all the people they have brought us. It's quite amazing to see how many different kinds of people are here. Tonight, Thai food is on the menu. =) On Thursday we went to the Jordanian barracks for dinner and a celebration. First thing you need to know is that these soldiers never get to leave their barracks, plus there are no females on the barracks, so that night there was just us lonely 6 girls among 150ish men. We watched a film about Jordan, which now I want to visit, ate a traditional meal, with our fingers (rice, nuts and a goat's head) and "danced" the night away. Now when I say dance I really mean us girls got to dance for like minutes before an officer came over and told us that we needed a break. I think they were just trying to prevent anything from happening. These men probably hadn't seen women in like months. Now I can picture what it's like in prison. (Which by the way, they call their barracks worse than Guantanamo Bay. There were several Jordanians who were very attractive...maybe at the next party I will learn some Arabic....

Peace Corps Life really isn't your own. I can't be myself or act like myself. I act a shade different in order for things to work better for me in my community. This means no drunken nights in my town, no random hook-ups. I must act professional all the time, which can be a little stressful. Never to let loose and show your true self. When people ask what my religion is, I tell them that I am Jewish...because if I told them that I didn't believe in god, then no one would really want to work with me. (I really need to freshen up on my Jewish do they ask me a lot of questions about my "faith". But to never get to act like yourself can be tiring...Which is why I don't think I can live here for an entire year, the people aren't sociable, I can't get drunk or do stupid things and I have to lie about my "religion".

Ok...I'm going to be adding some pictures of my house...hope you enjoy!

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